Choosing the right collection for you!
RHP will work with you on payment plans and packages that best suit your needs. Don't hesitate to invest in photographs. They are the next best thing to having the real thing and when things around us are changing so fast, photographs are the best tangible things we can hold on to, see and document growth, and relive and share memories. You can choose between many collections or you can buy single digital files at $30/ digital file. Most of my clients spend between $300-$800 on their family session.


​$100Deposit @ contract signing
(goes towards balance in your private gallery, none refundable but transferable)
Total Collection is $275
Ham Lake Studio or Outdoor location
1 Location in Ham Lake (RHP private property or nearby park area)
15-20 minute session
8 High-Resolution Images
Private online gallery
Option to upgrade to Popular Collection & purchase additional products in your gallery store

Long sessions not for you or your family? Have you run out of time and just need a few shots? New! RHP is offering a Short & Sweet Session. Quick and fun with the same great quality and time put into each professionally edited image. The best part is, depending on the number of edited photos you get, you can always upgrade your session when you shop your on-line gallery!

$200 Deposit @ contract signing (goes towards balance in your private gallery, none refundable but transferable)
Total Collection is $1200
Ham Lake Studio or Outdoor location
1 Location in Twin Cities
60 minute photo session
All 20+ instant downloadable digital images w/ print release
8x8 Photo Album with 20 Images
3 mini accordion albums (great for gifts and bragging)
2 - 8x10 Print (your choice of an 11x14 black, white or no matte)
USB w/All High-Resolution Images or $100 upgrade option to get ALL 4x6 gift prints with a beautiful linen-covered keepsake box & USB
Private online gallery
Options to purchase additional products in your gallery store
$100 Deposit @ Contract signing
(goes towards balance in your private gallery, none refundable but transferable)
Total Collection is $450
Ham Lake Studio or Outdoor location
1 Location in Twin Cities
45 minute photo session
20 Edited, high-resolution images
3 Mini Accordion Albums
Print release
Private online gallery
Option to upgrade to Loaded Collection & purchase additional products in your gallery store

$100 Deposit @ contract signing (goes towards balance in your private gallery, none refundable but transferable)
Total session $600
Ham Lake Studio or Outdoor location
1 Location
30-60 Minute session
All 20+ instant downloadable digital images w/ print release
Private online gallery
Option to purchase products in your gallery store